Southern Wisconsin's Largest Motorcycle Show!!

There's a lot of information on this site. Please check out all the posts. They explain classes, location and other information in detail. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at


- Tim

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Few Questions Answered.......and WE ARE READY FOR SATURDAY!!!!!

Received a few inquires and questions about the show over the last few days.  I’d like to address them here, publicly.

Q. “Do you have a swap meet?  I’ve got a bike I’d like to sell”

A. Sorry, but we do not have a swap meet……this year.  Although I’ve encouraged people to enter the bike(s) they want to sell into the bike show and put a “FOR SALE” sign on it with contact info.  It will cost you $10, but all in all if you sell it, that’s a heck of a deal!  Plus with that $10 you get free entrance into Racetrack Park for all the live entertainment, refreshments and food for the day/night!

Q. “How much for spectators to come down?”

A. FREE!!!  That’s right….totally free of charge and it’s safe for kids.  We just ask that you make sure your kids are beside you at all times as it’s easy for a youngster to get tangled up in a motorcycle.

Q. “Can I enter my new or newer motorcycle?”

A. Absolutely.  We have 30 different classes and several that accommodate new or newer motorcycles of all brands/types.  This show isn’t just about displaying old/vintage models, it’s also a great way for people to see what’s going on with new/newer motorcycles. 

Q.“My bike isn’t a show bike so I probably won’t enter it.”  -OR- “I don’t like showing my motorcycle because I don’t care about winning a trophy”

A.Sure we do judge and we do award a trophy per class, but this show is much more than that.  This is a way for spectators and show participants to see the greatest variety of motorcycles from all years and from all over the world in one spot.  So if your bike has some rust on it or it’s a daily rider, BRING IT DOWN!  You have no idea how many people get inspired by seeing a type/brand/model of motorcycle they’ve never seen before.  Not to mention some of us old guys like to see the motorcycles of our youth!

Q. “What time does the show start?”
A. The gates open up for registration at 6:30 a.m. and registration closes at 10:30 a.m. with judging starting at 11:30 a.m.

Q. “Is there a place to unload my bike from a trailer?”
A. Of course.  You can pull into the Train Depot parking lot near the show, unload and then park on the south side of the Edgerton Community Outreach building.  Once unloaded there is an opening in the fence your bike(s) can be safely rolled through and into the show.  We do ask that if you are unloading at the Train Depot, do so in a timely matter as others will need to unload as well.  Also, please do not start your bike and ride it through the opening in the fence……safety first.

Hopefully this clears up some questions we have encountered over the last few months.

T-shirts and trophies are all ready picked up and we have a great layout for the parking lot!  All we need is YOU and a few hundred motorcycles…….so common down to Edgerton on Saturday!!

Again, if you have questions, don’t hesitate in asking.

- Tim

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